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Sonic's Last Adventure (Scene 10)

This post was published as Scene 10 of Sonic’s Last Adventure CUT TO: EXT. EVENING - Large empty meadow THE COROLLA rolls along the highway, a shot from above would do well here. A breeze sweeps across the plains of golden wheat or some other grass. Either way this is a very calm scene, comfortable and quaint. CUT TO: EXT. EVENING - In front of a small house We see a small white house, one...

The Childhood Fear of the Void

One night, when I was about ten (10) or so, I found myself laying on my bed, just scared of it all. While that bed had originally been the top bunk of a bunk bed I had shared with my younger brother, it had been moved across the room. I think the carpet was blue, I’m sure there are pictures somewhere but I honestly don’t care that much and I don’t think I ever will....

The Muppets Yakuza (Scene 9)

This post was published as Scene 9 of The Muppets Yakuza INT. NIGHT - BASEMENT-ESQUE ROOM It’s really dark, like, really pushing the dynamic range on them cinema-grade cameras that cost as much as my college tuition kind of dark, people in the theaters will be complaining about the glare but the content will be so good they’ll forget all their gripes. The room consists mostly of concrete, blood stuffing stained concrete everywhere. Also, it’s...

y r u crying.txt

y r u crying? im not crying yes u r y r u crying? im literally not yes u r y do u keep insisting that im crying when im not bc if i believe it mb itll come true

A Collection of .txt Files from Feb. 22 and 23, 2017: An Exploration in Monospace Formatting as Emotional Expression

This is a collection of .txt files that aren’t long enough to rationalize each being archived on its own. About half of the files of this sort were written in these two days. Files in alphabetical order: 2017-02-22 07:27 alignment.txt 2017-02-22 07:41 breathe.txt 2017-02-22 07:10 concern.txt 2017-02-22 04:35 how are you.txt 2017-02-22 04:24 hug me.txt 2017-02-23 03:19 i swear im sorry.txt 2017-02-23 03:29 manipulation.txt 2017-02-22 07:34 pity.txt 2017-04-28 13:18 satisfied.txt 2017-02-23 10:01 screen.txt 2017-02-22 07:19...

Opposite Jurassic Park (Scene 7)

This post was published as Scene 7 of Opposite Jurassic Park INT: SOME BUNKER, This is a very dimly lit bunker, something like you see in movies with war rooms and stuff, there is a flashing red light in the background. Aside from the light and a telephone sitting on a desk in the center of the room, everything is gray or olive green. SEN. CHOMPYCHOMP is standing in the room, he looks moist, the...

I was sitting in a Wal-Mart

I was at a Wal-Mart for five hours. I did not just sit there in one spot and I was not alone, but my mental image of the whole experience is very singular and lonely. The immediate circumstance leading up to this situation were just as depressive as the more permanent shell that contains this story. For Christmas both my parents and my maternal grandmother along with her brother presented to me gift cards for...

A Brief History of Martian Colonization

~12,000 H.E. The idea of colonizing Mars was always a dream of people on Earth. Though many would rationalize it by way of thinking the Earth would go to shit and we would need to move on. This idea was, of course, absurd; they weren’t going to fuck up the planet enough to make it easier to move to a new one than to sustain the population where it already was. Yet they still continued...

I Feel Alone

There was an odd comfort in being alone, as if I knew it was my fault and would never dare to fight against it. My bed was comfortable, it was very warm, almost sickeningly warm but not enough to make me want to do anything about it… or maybe that was just another consequence I didn’t feel I should fight against. The comforter was new, much heavier than my old one, I went out of...

Playing an FPS on a Drawing Tablet

This post was submitted to Student Voice but not published, for some reason. Update Jun. 4, 2020: Since apparently people have actually been trying to read this article, let me just point out that tablets frequently have a “mouse mode” where they will act like track pads, use that. Also cleaned up some of the text a bit. Let’s say you have a drawing tablet for your computer, like, one with no screen and a...