The pacing of this one is what I call "crunchy," as the research process for it was what I call "torment." Maybe I really should get a library card.
Welcome back to Season 2 of Chloe & Una's Tentacular Experience! Today we're talking about the ongoing series by Kyockcho, Kaede to Suzu. A heart-warming tale of sisterly love and also there's a guy there too I guess. We ask the hard-hitting questions other podcasts are afraid to ask, like "what is gained and lost when adapting a written work into a video format?", and "is it hot when a guy **** his **** between two girls' *******?" So *** on, and join us for our most spectacular (yet least tentacular) experience yet!
At a certain point, we all have to wonder if, perhaps, allowing me access to maps was a mistake. This one's about Naruto, the city and the manga.
You ever stare at a map of Mars for a couple hours then suddenly make the foolish mistake of wondering why the names are like that?
Japanese names are pretty interesting, so I decided to maybe actually figure out what's going on with them, y'know?
This is the final section of my blog on the browser game Gravity (at least as far as working on it before the project is due), where I hastily throw together some game mechanics to make project feel something like a game. Expect some future work on this, as I am not proud of its current state in the slightest.
In this third development blog for my browser game, Gravity, I finish the background functionality of the game. Now the view in the DOM should reflect the model at every animation frame, and also some physics should apply to the scene!
Continuing work on my browser game, Gravity. This time, I'm setting up the overall framework of the project's code and adding in some very basic functionality, like checking for user inputs and creating an output element.
This is the first installment in a series of blogs about a browser game project I'm doing for my software engineering course, going over some background info for both the assignment and my project itself as well as my plans going forward.
I'm made a font!
Fuck my life, lmao.
Sleep deprived ranting about ruby text, internationalization, localization, CSS3 support, monospace fonts, and some other stuff. Does this count as documentation? Am I doing a documentation here?
First, let’s assume that all that we know is truth, or more precisely that our certainty in currently held knowledge is invariable and that said certainty for a given concept is arbitrarily high. For simplicity’s sake we will divide the set of all that is known into two smaller sets, $A$ will refer to the set of concepts that are (based on some arbitrary threshold) good and $B$ will refer to the set of all...
This post contains spoilers for Puella Magi Madoka Magica/Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ) and Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie (劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ) Beginnings (始まりの物語), Eternal (永遠の物語), and Rebellion (叛逆の物語). Please watch the show (or first two movies) and Rebellion before continuing. Everyone has some contrarian opinions, a prevalent example of this being to claim that the Star Wars prequels were actually good. While I’m sure that I have plenty of these opinions laying around myself,...
A discussion on the idea that shoplifting has an effect on the employees of the store against which it is done.
I saw some trees on a map and decided I just had to know what was up, completely forgetting that not everything in the world is available in English and overall just making myself look like a fool.
According to the Future of Humanity Institute’s 2008 technical report titled “Global Catastrophic Risk Survey” by Anders Sandberg and Nick Bostrom there is a 5% chance that a superintelligent artificial intelligence (AI) will cause the extinction of humanity by the year 2100, and I’m here to tell you why that is fucking stupid. I considered talking about this a few months ago after seeing the estimates from this study on Wikipedia: [Deleted Tweet] But since...
Every now and again I get back to transcribing my old school notes as digital files on this site; which notes I work on really depends on my mood, and if you have read any of this site I’m sure you’re aware I’m more often than not in the mood for mathematics bullshit. To that end, one set of notes that’s been taunting me for months is that from my calculus classes (AP, II, and...
A few semesters back I was taking a class called “Mathematics for Physics and Engineering II” which was a companion course for “Intermediate Physics Lab” that covered a lot of the mathematics used in data analysis. One example of this is the Poisson Distribution, which we had plenty of assignments on, including one that involved calculations. Rather than simply using one of the many available tools that existed already to calculate this, I decided to...
(Fall 2015) Do you love calculus but wish it was a bit more... actually useful and good? In that case, do I have the math for you: Differential Equations. More specifically: the basic stuff about differential equations that I actually took notes on.
Oops! I wrote another thing about death! This time rather than picking apart traditional descriptions of death, I'm going to be introducing a more modern take on the whole idea.
I'm on that existential bullshit right now and it's not going away. So, I'm just going to plunge head first into philosophy and verbosity to try to act like I'm fine when in reality I'm panicking at the mere notion of existing in a universe that has time.
This post was published in All That Is Left Issue 001 as “Syndicalism.” While a sentiment of anti-authoritarianism born of a distaste for corporatism and other modern manifestations of centralized capitalist governments lends itself quite cleanly to the ideas of anarchism, what is not immediately clear is how, in an anarchist system, the resources necessary for the survival of all people will be both produced and distributed, or how a society following this ideal could...
This report needs a real breakdown from an experienced political analyst that isn’t just some neoliberal corporate sellout, but as I’m me and I’ve not slept in something like 24 hours now, I don’t feel qualified to do this. However, perhaps because I have not slept, or perhaps because I do believe it to be necessary, I want to write a quick piece about the false idea of praxis that is described in this “report.”...
This post was published as Scene 10 of Thelma & Louise 2: Army of Darkness FADE IN: EXT. MORNING - The place where they were camping The trio is sleeping, CORN begins to bloat a bit as the sun rays from the fresh sunrise filter through the trees that are probably there. This awakens CORN. CORN Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Damn it. Fuck. Oh my god. What the fuck. Holy shit. God damn it. Fucking fuck...
This post was published as Scene 10 of Sonic’s Last Adventure CUT TO: EXT. EVENING - Large empty meadow THE COROLLA rolls along the highway, a shot from above would do well here. A breeze sweeps across the plains of golden wheat or some other grass. Either way this is a very calm scene, comfortable and quaint. CUT TO: EXT. EVENING - In front of a small house We see a small white house, one...
This post was published as Scene 9 of The Muppets Yakuza INT. NIGHT - BASEMENT-ESQUE ROOM It’s really dark, like, really pushing the dynamic range on them cinema-grade cameras that cost as much as my college tuition kind of dark, people in the theaters will be complaining about the glare but the content will be so good they’ll forget all their gripes. The room consists mostly of concrete, blood stuffing stained concrete everywhere. Also, it’s...
y r u crying? im not crying yes u r y r u crying? im literally not yes u r y do u keep insisting that im crying when im not bc if i believe it mb itll come true
This is a collection of .txt files that aren’t long enough to rationalize each being archived on its own. About half of the files of this sort were written in these two days. Files in alphabetical order: 2017-02-22 07:27 alignment.txt 2017-02-22 07:41 breathe.txt 2017-02-22 07:10 concern.txt 2017-02-22 04:35 how are you.txt 2017-02-22 04:24 hug me.txt 2017-02-23 03:19 i swear im sorry.txt 2017-02-23 03:29 manipulation.txt 2017-02-22 07:34 pity.txt 2017-04-28 13:18 satisfied.txt 2017-02-23 10:01 screen.txt 2017-02-22 07:19...
This post was published as Scene 7 of Opposite Jurassic Park INT: SOME BUNKER, This is a very dimly lit bunker, something like you see in movies with war rooms and stuff, there is a flashing red light in the background. Aside from the light and a telephone sitting on a desk in the center of the room, everything is gray or olive green. SEN. CHOMPYCHOMP is standing in the room, he looks moist, the...
This post was submitted to Student Voice but not published, for some reason. Update Jun. 4, 2020: Since apparently people have actually been trying to read this article, let me just point out that tablets frequently have a “mouse mode” where they will act like track pads, use that. Also cleaned up some of the text a bit. Let’s say you have a drawing tablet for your computer, like, one with no screen and a...
This post was written as a submission to an open call by @ruinedpicnic on twitter (now called @punishedpicnic) for music to sing. Ruined Picnic and Friends by ruined picnic and friends Every single morning I wake up in a state of peace. As if part of the void, or an emptiness at least. When not quite awake, life itself can be like a dream. Like the pop tarts that are flavored like cookies and cream....
This post was published in Student Voice Volume 102, Issue 13 as “The process of spontaneously morphing into an octopus.” This argument has been deemed quite controversial: is it possible for one to simply become an octopus without outside forces acting upon them? To start off, one might ask if this is likely, the answer to which is clearly ‘no.’ While it would be amazing for someone walking alongside you to suddenly be dragging themselves...
Perhaps an argument against this would be the resource usage, the amount of paper used when you leave mistakes on the page is so much more. Think of the trees! Then again, erasers either come from trees or petroleum so you’re going to be using something either way. Efficiency aside, there is a sort of philosophy that really needs to be acknowledged here. We’re all taught that nobody is perfect, that we all make mistakes....
This post was published in Student Voice Volume 102, Issue 11 as “Philosophy of pencil classification can be very complicated.” Pencils are pencils, but to say all pencils were created equal is a stretch of the imagination that one should not be so willing to make. What exactly is a pencil? Here we shall assume that a pencil is a utensil that utilizes graphite to write, so as to be able to easily erase any...
This post was published in Student Voice Volume 102, Issue 10 as “Thinking about theory of relativity can garner many impactful realizations.” Four score and another score ago, Einstein introduced the idea of general relativity. Well, that’s when he presented the results at the Prussian Academy of Science. Unlike previous models for gravity and such, this relativity thing actually accounted for reality. Consequentially, a lot more science was able to be understood thereafter. Karl Schwarzschild,...
This post was published in Student Voice Volume 102 Issue 8 as “Physics lab gets spooky on Halloween.” On Halloween, which was Saturday, more specifically: Saturday, October 31, 2015. Well, really specifically: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 5pm to about 9pm. Anyway, where was I going with this…? Oh, yeah, On Saturday, which was Halloween, the UW–River Falls Society of Physics Students and Chem Demons held their annual Haunted Lab. Side note: “haunted” does not...
This post was published in Student Voice Volume 102, Issue 7 as “Wednesday blues healed by nifty spinning office chair.” The UW-River Falls campus classrooms are sprinkled with a wide assortment of differing sorts of chairs. Many classes have those odd plastic ones with the slits in the back, which are probably there to help it flex? Whatever. Sometimes those have those pointless little desk attachment things on which you can fit maybe a third...
This post was published in Student Voice Volume 102, Issue 4 as “UWRF Society of Physics Students Chapter visits 3M.” On Saturday, Oct. 3, several members of the UW–River Falls Society of Physics Students Chapter attended 3M’s Super Science Saturday. Moving from the left to right, as from the perspective of people in front of the table, one would first notice the infrared camera display. This display had a monitor, so as to display the...
The dog walks along the road. Didot, the name of neither dog nor road, rather a class of fonts, the class of fonts used for the poster in the shop window that can be seen just behind the dog. The reflection of the dog nonexistent. This world itself does not exist. It is all a lie. Bark. Not the dog. No, the dog is a mute. The dog is now passing a birch tree. The...
I open the door and the bell rings. That familiar electronic bell that is really more of a beep but tradition says it’s a bell and there’s no arguing with tradition. I am thirsty and really need to raise my blood sugar level before I faint. To this end I walk past the cashier without so much as looking up. “Hello,” she greets me. I don’t bother to reply with words for fear of dehydration,...
The rain stopped, it had completed its task, it had watered the crops just the right amount; it was ready to die. There was no funeral for the rain. Nobody was saddened by its departure. There was a silent acceptance of what it had accomplished for the world, but no mourning for its passing. It was here just a moment ago, blessing the lands with its watery goodness, and now it was gone. The lack...
It was a sunny day, not that I could be bothered to give a damn about things in the sky. I had my eyes on the prize and not much more. One way or another I was to end the day $0.15 richer. You see, one must set goals for themselves. Goals that are difficult to reach. But not goals that are completely unreasonable. The goal of this particular day was to “make bank,” as...